Sovrano Coffee Liqueur 750ml


Sovrano Coffee is a classic coffee liqueur made with freshly-ground Arabica coffee using an 150 year-old Italian recipe.

Made just like in the old days with an Italian expresso machine, the result is a full, intense and delicious coffee taste that is pleasant on the palate.

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Sovrano Coffee Liqueur

Sovrano website – click here

Sovrano Coffee is a classic coffee liqueur made with freshly-ground Arabica coffee using an 150 year-old Italian recipe.

Made just like in the old days with an Italian expresso machine, the result is a full, intense and delicious coffee taste that is pleasant on the palate.

Sovrano Coffee it is sensational over vanilla ice cream as an affogato, in any dessert such as a tiramisu or for an after-meal cocktail.

Here at Sovrano we use only natural ingredients that have no artificial colours, additives or preservatives.


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